FILIGRAN Trägersysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Main Office
FON: +49 (0)5761 9225 0
FAX: +49 (0)5761 9225 40
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Sales and Advice

Moreno Schlüter, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Technical Advice and Sales (North West)
FON: +49 (0)163 559 2284
Christoph Sorge, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Technical Advice and Sales (South East)
FON: +49 (0)163 559 2263

Reinforcing steel from the coil is straightened and delivered in the lengths requested by the customer. The main form produced is normal ductile B500A reinforcing steel from the coil from our own production. Upon request, highly ductile B500B reinforcing steel from the coil is also straightened.

Ø 6 mm Ø 14 mm
Ø 8 mm Ø 16 mm
Ø 10 mm  
Ø 12 mm  

Delivery Forms:gerichteter betonstahl

Cut lengths: from 60 cm to 15 m
Coil weights: up to 3,000 kg
The coils are wound, tied and taped several times.

Product data sheet